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Ford Mobility: Detroit ADS Pilot Program

In 2019, The City of Detroit won a US Department of Transportation grant to

demonstrate a safe Advanced Driving System (ADS) by deploying a self-driving

shuttle service to serve older adults and people with disabilities through

collaboration with the community and leading mobility entities.

Palabras clave

  • Niñxs

  • Co-creación

  • Impacto Social


Julie Vantrease



  • Artists Striving to End Poverty

  • Center for the Future of Arizona

  • Equity for Children

  • Academia Tinkuy Marca

  • Adobe InDesign

  • Ilustrador Adobe

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Spark

  • Procreate

  • Miro

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Nuestra misión

Nuestra intención es co-crear recursos que se construyan directamente a partir de las propias preguntas y comentarios de los niños, dándoles a los niños un lugar en la mesa para crear recursos más accesibles.

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Nuestra metodología

Nuestro trabajo se basa en metodologías de diseño participativo, ya que creemos que darles a lxs niñxs un sitio en la mesa de diseño crea los recursos más accesibles para ellxs. Dentro de nuestra propia práctica de diseño, como ilustradores y aspirantes a autores de libros para niñxs, hemos visto una y otra vez cómo se construyen los recursos para niñxs sin su participación. Vemos esto como un proceso de diseño defectuoso, ya que excluye y devalúa el conocimiento de lxs niñxs.

Reunimos diversas perspectivas y partes interesadas en un espacio de colaboración, desde la academia y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, hasta un representante de un refugio para personas sin hogar, para así discutir la mejor manera de llegar a lxs niñxs que enfrentan la brecha digital y otras injusticias sociales.

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Focus group participants also mentioned various solutions that would aid in the

implementation of the ADS pilot program in their communities. Most notably,

participants mentioned the importance of identifying community liaisons and

spokespersons to build trust in the community pre-implementation.

Stakeholders noted that the ADS vehicle could act as an opportunity to build dignity

for riders going to pick up food at local food banks and other community services.

Finally, participants highlighted that the ADS vehicle must be flexible enough to

meet the varying and differing levels of disabilities of potential users.

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The ADS pilot program was seen as an opportunity to receive door to door services

and a new expansion of life-saving services and resources for people with disabilities.

Participants noted the importance of building a routine and familiar rapport with the

person assisting you in your mobility journey, and requested that Ford and the City of

Detroit value these relationships with users when designing the pilot program.

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My experience with Co:Census was so positive, in terms of process, outcomes, and

impact, that I actively looked for ways to engage them across additional projects before

we'd even completed the scope of work that was before us. They are not only experts in

their field (e.g., qualitative research design, implementation, and analysis, equitable

evaluative frameworks, human-centered design, etc.), they are also active partners in your

organization's learning journey. Learning from them, and alongside them, was a pleasure.

There just isn't a better combination than doing great work with great people. They will

forever be a part of my professional network.

-Dr. Alaina Jackson, Ford

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